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 History of High School Football in Alabama
 8 Man Football
 Teams added

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dparker Posted - 10/19/2010 : 16:41:12
Here is a list of teams I added that played 8 man football in Alabama.
Hope Christian
Trinity Oxford
Evangel Christian Alabaster
Freedom Academy
Lighthouse Christian
Tri-County Christian
Heritage Christian
Victory Baptist
First Assembly Christian
Georgia Alabama Christian
Ellwood Christian
Marion Academy
Florence Christian - we had a few scores
Brooklane Baptist
Marion Military Institute - added the 8 man years
Golden Acres Christian
Ballard Christian

These teams played a few games but I am not going to add them at this time because they seem to never have played a full season.
Community Christian
Emerald City Christian
Tuscaloosa Home Educators
East Central Home School
Scottsboro Christian
Garywood Christian - we only have a few games fo them. They did play more.

David Parker
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