Bylaws of the Alabama High School Football Historical Society
The name of this Organization shall be the Alabama High School Football
Historical Society. The Organization shall also be known as on the
Internet. It shall be a non-profit organization.
The purpose of this Organization shall be to perpetuate and preserved the
history of high school football in the state of Alabama; historical research in
relation to its founding and development; preservation of game films, documents
and other relative items; collecting and documenting scores, coaches information
and any other artifacts pertaining to the history of the sport; and cooperation
with other organizations having a similar purpose.
Section I. Annual Membership in the Society shall be granted to individuals with an interest in the projects and work of the Society and who, upon application are accepted for membership. All new membership applications shall be voted upon by the current members with a quorum vote of the membership sufficient for election.
Section II. Voting Rights. Each member shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the members. Members who fail to be in good standing shall not be entitled to vote on any matter.
Section III.
Good Standing. Any members who have remained active in AHSFHS during the
preceding twelve months are considered to be in good standing. Members who have
become inactive for a period of at least twelve months will not be considered in
good standing and shall not be entitled to vote.
Section IV.
Membership Dues. Each member shall pay membership dues in such amounts and at
such times as shall be determined by the Board of Directors and approved by the
membership. Until such time as deemed necessary there will be no membership
Section V.
Honorary Life Memberships may be given to individuals for unusual contribution
to the Society and/or the community. Recommendations may be made by the general
membership, but decisions as to awarding Honorary Life Memberships shall remain
with the Board of Directors.
Section VI.
The Founding Members of AHSFHS shall remain the same for the duration and
existence of AHSFHS. Current Members are considered Active Members and shall
remain Active Members for the duration of twelve months unless dismissed by a
vote of the Board
Section I. Subject to limitations of the these By-Laws, the Board of Directors shall be vested with full authority to transact all business pertaining to the Society and shall be subject to laws of the State of Alabama pertaining to non-profit corporation directors.
Section II. Number and Qualifications. The authorized number of Directors shall be 9. Any person who is a member of the Society shall be eligible to serve as a Director.
Section III. Election and term of Office. The Directors shall hold office until the annual meeting or September 1st if no meeting is called. At each annual meeting of the members, an election of the Directors shall be held by ballot as determined by the Board of Directors. The directors so elected shall take office upon election and shall hold office for one year.
Section. IV. Vacancies. Any director may resign effective upon giving written notice to the Board of Directors, unless the notice specifies a later time for the effectiveness of such resignation. If the resignation is effective at a future time, a successor may be elected before such time, to take office when the resignation is effective.
Vacancies in the Board may be filled by a majority of the remaining directors, although less than a quorum, or by a sole remaining director, and each director so elected shall hold office until the expiration of the term of the replaced director. Any member in good standing shall be deemed eligible for consideration.
Section V. Place of Meeting. Regular or special meetings of the Board shall be held at any place within the State of Alabama which has been designated from time to time by the Board. In the absence of such designation, regular meetings may be held using the Membership Forums or by email or any other method agreeable to the Board.
Section VI. Special meetings of the Board for any purpose may be called at any time by any three Directors; provided all members of the Board are notified of time, place and purpose of the meeting by telephone, email, in the Members Forum or similar means of communication.
Section VII. Quorum. Five members of the Board constitute a quorum for the transaction of Business.
Section VIII. Every director shall have the absolute right at any reasonable time to inspect all books, records and documents of every kind and to inspect the physical properties of the Society.
Section IX. Committees. Special committees to facilitate the work and program of the Society may be appointed by the Board at any time.
Standing committees shall report to the board at regular Board meetings and at membership meetings when called upon.
Procedures and policies for Standing Committees shall be stated in the Standing Rules.
Section X. A Board member may be replaced by a majority vote of the Board of Directors for such actions deemed harmful to AHSFHS.
Section XI. The Board is responsible to keep a current and accurate list of the membership.
Section I. Officers will not be elected with all business of AHSFHS being handled by the Board of Directors. The Board shall elect a Chairman annually at the first meeting of the newly elected Board of Directors. If there is no scheduled meeting the Board will determine the method for electing a Chairman.
Section II. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Society and the Board of Directors, shall be a member of all committees and shall exercise general supervision of all activities of the Society.
Section I. Any member in good standing may nominate an individual for election to the Board of Directors prior to an annual meeting or thirty days prior to the September 1st election date whichever is earlier. Nominations will not be allowed from the floor at the annual meeting unless there are not enough prior nominations to elect a complete Board.
Section II. By ballot, the Board of Directors shall be elected by a majority vote of members, a quorum being present at the Annual Meeting. They will assume their duties on September 1, the beginning of the fiscal year. If the election is conducted otherwise because of no scheduled annual meeting the election shall be held in a manner set forth by the Board of Directors prior to August 1st of the same calendar year.
Section I. The Board of Directors of the AHSFHS shall set policy for the management of the Website and the content thereof. The Board shall determine what research is recognized by AHSFHS by being included in our records. The Board shall police all content to make certain it complies with the overall goals and purpose of AHSFHS.
Section II. The Board shall receive and disburse all funds received by the Society in a manner in accordance compliant with the overall purpose of AHSFHS. All funds, expenditures and records thereof shall be made readily available to any and all members in good standing upon written request.
Section III. The Board is responsible to keep a current and accurate list of the membership.
Section I. AHSFHS collection policy shall be to accept donations of historical records, documents, films and photos relevant to the history of high school football in Alabama
Section II. Due to the fact that the Society has no permanent home such collected artifacts shall be held in a manner determined by the Board as to protect them for future generations in the best possible way.
Section III. All documents, photographs, and related item types will be accepted at the discretion of the Board. Larger library items or artifacts, and loans, shall be presented to the Board by members for approval prior to acceptance.
Section IV. The Board and AHSFHS in general will respect the copyright laws as set forth by any and all government agencies. The Board will to the best of its ability abide by a high standard in protecting the rights of journalists and their property. Any item or article thought to encroach upon the rights of others will be removed from the website immediately upon the realization of the infringement.
These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any
regular business meeting, a quorum being present, provided the proposed
amendment shall have been made available to the general membership at least one
month before it is voted upon; or, that copies of proposed revisions and
amendments are distributed to members one month prior to voting.
Roberts Rules of Order, Revised, shall be the authority of parliamentary
procedure and all matters not covered by the By-Laws and Standing Rules.
Standing rules governing procedures and policies for effective administration of
the Society shall be revised each year.
In the event of the dissolution of the Society, the Society's collections,
assets, properties, and records shall be turned over to the Alabama Department
of Archives and History.
These bylaws were approved by the acting Board of Directors on August 23rd,
Parrish scored a record 77 points in a playoff game against Cedar Bluff in 2001. The Tornados were shutout the following week 19-0 by Courtland.