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1982 Coaches Rankings

 Final Poll For 1982 Season 
 Rank   Team   Record   Votes 
1982   Coaches
1Penn State 11-1-0
2Southern Methodist11-0-1
3Nebraska 12-1-0
4Georgia 11-1-0
5UCLA 10-1-1
6Arizona State 10-2-0
7Washington 10-2-0
8Arkansas 9-2-1
9Pittsburgh 9-3-0
10Florida State 9-3-0
11Louisiana State 8-3-1
12Ohio State 9-3-0
13North Carolina 8-4-0
14Auburn 9-3-0
15Michigan 8-4-0
16Oklahoma 8-4-0
17Alabama 8-4-0
18Texas 9-3-0
19West Virginia 9-3-0
20Maryland 8-4-0

Great Moments in College Football History

The forward pass first appeared in college football in 1906. It was introduced in an attempt to increase scoring and reduce injuries.