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 History of High School Football in Alabama
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 NFL Players 2016

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dparker Posted - 03/09/2017 : 10:05:44
I went through the past few seasons to try and find all the NFL players we were missing and did come up with some. Remember that to qualify for our list a player must have played high school football in Alabama and they must have appeared in a regular season game in the NFL.

I think I managed to get them all through last seasons. If I missed any just let me know.

Here are the ones I added along with their high school and pro team.

C.J. Mosley, Theodore, Baltimore
Cody Core, Auburn, Cincinnati
Jordan Howard, Gardendale, Chicago
T.J. Green, Sylacauga, Indianapolis
James Bradberry, Pleasant Grove, Carolina
Brandon King, Thompson, New England
Corey Grant, Opelika, Jacksonville
Darrin Reaves, Clay-Chalkville, Kansas City
Solomon Patton, Murphy, Tampa Bay
Pierre Warren, Marbury, New Orleans
Justin Anderson, Foley Giants
Cordarro Law, Sumter County, San Diego
T.J. Barnes, Enterprise, Kansas City
Dee Ford, St. Clair County, Kansas City
Jordan Matthews, Madison Academy, Philadelphia

David Parker
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bk7 Posted - 09/01/2017 : 17:08:53
i wasnt sure where to put this but Jonathan Rose Leeds class of 2010 was DB on Ottawa RedBlacks that won the 2016 CFL Grey Cup Forums © 2007-09 Go To Top Of Page
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