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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dparker Posted - 08/29/2010 : 23:19:16
Mobile Christian - White helmet with navy facemask - navy stripe in center.

Saraland - as the pic should show silver with red facemask and no logo.

Leflore. They changed to orange helmets with orange facemask and a big green 'L' as last year.

St. Lukes. You should have a good pic from the other post. 'Wildcats' is below the logo.

John Essex - same
Williamson - same backwards lion logo.
Vigor - same
Murphy - same
Satsuma - same
Faith - went to the crimson red I guess it is with silver facemask and no logo now.
Woodlawn - same. the pic is not great but it is the same.
Washington County - same
Leroy - same old black
Baker - same
Thomasville - same as last year in pic
Sweet Water - same as last year.

I have other pictures but most do not turn out weel from the video. I will keep looking fo rothers.

David Parker
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