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 8 Man Football

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dparker Posted - 10/13/2010 : 22:07:35
I also added the Alabama Christian Athletic Conference, the North Alabama Christian Confernece and 8 Man Football to the regions section of the website so those teams can be displayed properly.
I do not have regional alignments for the teams at this time and I think most years they all played as one group and there were no regions.

David Parker
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
tidefan102 Posted - 10/15/2010 : 11:39:56
To make matters worse some Georgia teams were in the Alabama Christian Athletic Conference also.

Mike Naugher
svmounties Posted - 10/15/2010 : 09:47:08
That's almost like when AHSAA softball was switching over from slow pitch to fast pitch you'd have some teams that would play only one or the other, and then some that would play some games of both types during the year.


Shane Paschal
Shades Valley High School
Class of 1986
Go Mounties !
tidefan102 Posted - 10/15/2010 : 07:58:27
I will get Trinity Christian Oxford. They play from 1998 until 2008. It will take a trip to Anniston for me to get all the information. I have a lot of scores from Jacksonville Christian but the problem with them is that they played both 12 abd 8 man football and some games of each were in the same year.

Mike Naugher
jtpesek Posted - 10/15/2010 : 07:43:14
If it helps... Kingwood played 8 Man football until 1997. They first had a team in 1992. I believe I was able to get all of those 5 years schedules. I have 1996 here as well. Just need to send it in.
dparker Posted - 10/14/2010 : 18:46:19
Shane, Give me a little time to get this together. I am pretty much just going to get what I can from a certain website which lsts the games and teams from 2004-2010. It is very confusing still because teams seem to come and go about like an alley cat. SOme play one or two games a year and then disappear for some time. I am really debating on whether to add all the teams or just stick to the ones that have been around for a while.

It is a mess just to add teams that from 2004-2010 played maybe 10 games. Is that really a team? Right now I have added no teams. I consolidated Frontier Christian and Restoration Academy as I learned they are the same school.

I went back and picked up the 8 man games for the following teams 2004-2010: New Life Christian, North River Christian, Tuscaloosa Christian, Flint Hill Christian, Calvary Christian and Restoration Academy. We already had those teams but not for the years they played 8 Man football. I have about 30 other teams so far that I am debating on what to do with them.

It is not as simple as just add them all. When I do that without at least knowing a little about the team like which years they played it becomes a nightmare trying to get them going on their own teampage. Basically the teampage will be all screwy if I do not have some knowledge of the team. I will list these teams in another post.

David Parker
svmounties Posted - 10/14/2010 : 17:58:15
I'm glad we have enough information that we can now add these records to the site. David, could you list the teams you have as playing 8-man, and I'll try and find information on them that might be missing in regards to mascot, stadium, address and the like. Thanks.


Shane Paschal
Shades Valley High School
Class of 1986
Go Mounties !
jtpesek Posted - 10/13/2010 : 22:17:33
I believe you are correct. I will know more this weekend. I will be speaking with Greg Farrell (Coach of KCS during those days and also the first 2 years of AISA) and Anthony Gordon, the founder of Restoration Academy and also the coach for most of the duration of the program thus far. Both sat on the board of the NACC and should have some more information.

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