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 2021-22 team records

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cwak Posted - 02/09/2022 : 20:21:42
Arab 13-16
Pinson Valley 24-8
Brindlee Mtn 18-14 area champs
Arab 17-10
Brindlee Mtn 8-13
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dparker Posted - 07/01/2022 : 22:27:03
Thank you for the Reeltown information. I got it and it is on the site now.

David Parker
torran.smith Posted - 07/01/2022 : 20:22:34
Reeltown High School Girls Basketball Records(Since 2006)
2021-22: 10-10 Area Runner Up (Coach Will Solomon)
2020-21: 4-9 Area Runner Up (Coach Will Solomon)
2019-20: 17-5 2A Area 8 Champions(Coach Will Solomon)
2018-19: 14-7 2A Area 8 Champions(Coach Will Solomon)
2017-18: 8-10 (Coach Will Solomon)
2016-17: 2-13 (Coach Will Solomon)
2015-16: 4-12 (Coach Will Solomon)
2014-15: 4-9 (Coach Jackie O'Neal)
2013-14: 4-14 (Coach Will Solomon)
2012-13: 11-13 (Coach Will Solomon)
2011-12: 4-16 (Coach Will Solomon)
2010-11: 3-11 (Coach Jackie O'Neal)
2009-10: 3-5 (Coach Jackie O'Neal)
2008-09: 13-15 2A Area 5 Runner-Up(Coach Jackie O'Neal)
2007-08: 29-5 2A State Runner-Up (Coach Jackie O'Neal)
2006-07: 24-7 2A State Runner-Up (Coach Jackie O'Neal)

Torran Smith
torran.smith Posted - 07/01/2022 : 19:49:43
Reeltown High School Boys Basketball Records(Since 2007)
2021-22: 8-12 Area Runner Up (Coach Jonathan Gardner)
2020-21: 3-11 Area Runner Up (Coach Jonathan Gardner)
2019-20: 4-15 (Coach Jonathan Gardner)
2018-19: 4-15 (Coach Jonathan Gardner)
2017-18: 10-9 (Coach Jonathan Gardner)
2016-17: 2-22 (Coach Jonathan Gardner)
2015-16: 6-13 (Coach Jonathan Gardner)
2014-15: 14-11(Coach Irvin Cox)
2013-14: 11-8 Area Runner Up (Coach Irvin Cox)
2012-13: 9-15 (Coach Irvin Cox)
2011-12: 6-14 (Coach Daniel Taylor)
2010-11: 9-11 (Coach Jackie O'Neal)
2009-10: 17-7 2A Area 5 Champions(Coach Richard Bell)
2008-09: 19-12 2A Area 5 Champions(Coach Richard Bell)
2007-08: 6-15 (Coach Richard Bell)
Torran Smith
tidefan102 Posted - 02/25/2022 : 10:24:57
Piedmont Boys

2019-20 24-5

2020-21 16-8

2021-22 21-7 Area Champs

Mike Naugher
tidefan102 Posted - 02/25/2022 : 10:19:05
Piedmont Girls
2017-18 20-10
2019-20 9-17
2020-21 11-14
2021-22 14-15

Mike Naugher
dparker Posted - 02/16/2022 : 06:43:36
Thanks for sharing these. It is a big help. I encourage others to post their team's season records or email them to me.

David Parker
petemaravich Posted - 02/16/2022 : 04:55:00

Cold Springs .....21-9
Fairview .......15-13
Good Hope ......20-11


Fairview ....18-13
Holly Pond ....12-16
West Point .....18-8
Vinemont .....10-19
petemaravich Posted - 02/14/2022 : 20:34:15
I noticed you were missing a few records for 2020-21

Hanceville was 5-15

Vinemont was 9-17

West Point was 17-12

Cold Springs was 22-6

Cullman was 14-8

petemaravich Posted - 02/13/2022 : 10:41:28
All boys

Hanceville ......16-11
Holly Pond......10-19
Vinemont........ 5-23
West Point.......10-19 Forums © 2007-09 Go To Top Of Page
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