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 Victory Christian girls and boys basketball

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jared Arnold Posted - 08/16/2023 : 22:52:46
Up to date girls basketball. The records appear to be up to date but the coaches are not.

Mike Sheffield was girls basketball coach in 2016-17, 2017-18 and
2018-19. Barry Baines coached the team in 2019-20. Jared Arnold coached the team in 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23 and will be back for 2023-24. 2022-23 record was 14-14.

As far as boys go, Justin Arnold played in the AHSAA North-South All-Star game in 2005-06. Our current coach is Terry Etheredge.

/s/ Jared Arnold
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dparker Posted - 08/18/2023 : 07:33:19
Correction made.

We have not added any players for the all-star basketball games for the past few decades. It is just something I have not gotten around to researching yet. Maybe someday. The only way I will add the players is if I can get the rosters for all the missing seasons. Adding a single player at a time simply does not work and gets confusing on my end to keep up with what we have and what we need.

Thanks for the information.

David Parker
Jared Arnold Posted - 08/17/2023 : 23:18:30
You're welcome! I can send you something on Justin playing in that all star game if you'd like.

Also, 2020-21 season was 2-20 record. Not 2-22.

Originally posted by dparker

Thank you very much Coach.

David Parker

/s/ Jared Arnold
dparker Posted - 08/17/2023 : 13:39:19
Thank you very much Coach.

David Parker
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