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 2024 Volleyball records

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kadinhp Posted - 10/17/2024 : 07:59:37
Russellville's season ends with a 17-29 record
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cwak Posted - 10/17/2024 : 21:44:25
Fairview 13-25
Holly Pond 20-20

Brewer was actually 28-23
Jacksonville 23-22
Boaz 26-25
Leeds 20-17
Moody 30-9
Douglas 16-12
St Clair Co 14-14
Northside 26-9
John Carroll 22-15
Lawrence Co. 34-20
Priceville 55-8
Clements 8-26
Glencoe 34-19
Oakman 7-12
Phil Campbell 21-25
Sylvania 26-23
Brindlee Mtn. 6-11
Weaver 27-13
Whitesburg Christian 12-5
Colbert Heights 16-24
Winfield 22-11
Vinemont 49-12
Curry 31-16
Oneonta 8-29
West Morgan 36-15
Fayette Co. 28-8
East Lawrence 31-10
Ashville 24-26
Cordova 28-19
North Sand Mtn. 7-12
Falkville 9-30
West End 19-21
Southeastern 19-8
Vincent 8-9
Pisgah 16-13
Lexington 32-33
Southside 21-16
Athens 33-14
Mountain Brook 22-17
Oxford 45-9
Huffman 8-6
Austin 25-13
Auburn 31-10
Central Phenix 14-12
Oak Mtn. 15-24
Woodville 16-11
Coosa Christian 5-22
Athens Bible 17-16
Appalachian 23-7

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