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 1922 State Championship Game

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
CHdawg Posted - 03/18/2010 : 10:01:15
Walker went down and played Sidney Lanier in Montgomery. Has anyone seen this before. The game was supposedly added to the end of the schedule.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dparker Posted - 03/19/2010 : 10:49:50
They have most of the newspapers since 1952. Mike and I have gone through them pretty good to get what we could. They also have the Florence and Gadsden newspapers online in the same place at Google. Those too have been researched by Mike and I. I am sure we missed some of the better articles when looking for scores so there is still a lot of good reading out there if you can find it.

David Parker
CHdawg Posted - 03/19/2010 : 10:20:10
Maybe more outstanding than the article is the fact the newspaper is online. Are all of the Tuscaloosa News like this?
dparker Posted - 03/18/2010 : 21:36:47
There are a couple of records that match up well with teams the AHSAA state were champions. I don't have an explanation for the 1948 Aliceville team. Someday more research will provide a clue possibly.

Here is an article about playoffs prior to 1966 that is interesting. I think you will find it very enlightening. I have others that state similiar events occurring.,3075324&dq=football&hl=en

David Parker
svmounties Posted - 03/18/2010 : 11:32:29
I've heard of something similar happening before. Shades Cahaba played Aliceville in 1947 in what was deemed the 'state title game' in newspaper.

David, looking at the 'past champions' list, Aliceville is listed as the 1948 state champion with a 9-0 record, yet when you pull that season up in the link it brings up a 0-5-1 known record. I wonder if it isn't 1947 that was meant as their title year.


Shane Paschal
Shades Valley High School
Class of 1986
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