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 Second Round Note

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
crimsonscholar Posted - 11/11/2010 : 17:16:41
This week's matchups feature 28 rematches across six classes. From 2A-6A, this week's road team is 0-23 against their opponent heading into the rematch. Overall, in the six public school classes, these teams are 1-27 as Parrish, who is on the road at Marion County, defeated MC in the regular season.

All of the 6A second round matches are rematches.

Nine of the remaining twenty matches that are not repeats from the regular season involve first time meetings. The other eleven are first time meetings for the season, the teams have played each other before. However, Cordova and Piedmont is a rematch of last year's 3A state finals.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
kturner14 Posted - 11/13/2010 : 10:24:25
How many teams ended up getting revenge against the team that beat them previously this season?
svmounties Posted - 11/11/2010 : 23:35:40
That also shows how many regions swept their first round games.


Shane Paschal
Shades Valley High School
Class of 1986
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