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 Cherokee County, HUH?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tom Servo Posted - 12/06/2024 : 14:12:23
They looked like they didnt belong on the same field with Jackson. What an embarrassing matchup for a state final, 69-6! I was expecting MUCH MORE from them considering they beat both 5A and 6A teams this year. Looks like their loss to Piedmont and Jackson's very close loss to Saraland along with beating 7A Baker and 5A Demopolis said more about these teams than everything else. The game was over from almost the first whistle.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TheMUBM Posted - 12/06/2024 : 16:34:47
Originally posted by spartan91

I immediately thought of Hazelwood's 75-0 win over Georgiana in 1989 2A championship.

Antonio Langham and Tarrant Lynch! Unbelievable team.

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spartan91 Posted - 12/06/2024 : 15:37:15

I immediately thought of Hazelwood's 75-0 win over Georgiana in 1989 2A championship.
Chsreddevil Posted - 12/06/2024 : 14:28:33
The only teams I would put over Jackson this year are Catholic, Saraland, Oxford, Parker, Central, Thompson, Hoover, Opelika, and Auburn.
TheMUBM Posted - 12/06/2024 : 14:23:49
I think most people expected a one sided affair. Jackson was much better than everyone in 4A, and I'd extend that to most of 5A and even most of 6A as well. Cherokee County is a good team and a hell of a program. They have nothing to be ashamed of. Landon Duckworth and the aggies are a beast right now. Everyone knew it when they hung with Saraland.

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