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 Beat the Barber Shop Gurus

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dparker Posted - 12/07/2024 : 10:03:41
So here are the finals stats for everyone who participates in the "Beat the BSG" picks each week.

The guys did a great job of providing us with insight into some of the biggest and best games across the state each week and I for one appreciate their hard work and willingness to go out there on a limb with their picks.

This week in Super 7 picks they went 7-2 missing on the Catholic & Thompson wins. The Power Ratings also went 7-2 missing on Moody and Saraland. But my good friend who joined us at the Super 7 WinstonCoGrad Picked every game correctly. 7-0. Great job.

The BSG trio finished with a 133-55 record which is great considering the did not usually select the easy game to find a winner.

No one beat them in the pickem contest for the entire season. But according to my calculations PCchase 12 tied them with an identical record. So I will declare him a winner in this contest for the season.

So if PCchase will drop me an email I will have a nice little gift certificate for you. Email me at:

Just a few more notes on the contest. The Power Ratings finished one game behind at 132-56. UNA2004 finished 131-57. Not too bad and close behind too.

It was great fun and I appreciate everyone who joined in the fun. We'll do it again next year.

Oh yea, by the way TP and I went 7-0 in our picks on the podcast. Like I said " Ain't nobody beatin' Wadley." Thanks to everyone. I appreciate you visiting AHSFHS and participating in the forums.

David Parker
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
WinstonCountyGrad Posted - 12/09/2024 : 07:28:17
I didn't beat the Guru's on the season, but I made a strong finish with those Super 7 picks!


Proud native of the "Free State of Winston"
Sloth Nationzz Posted - 12/08/2024 : 19:37:16
Aw man! I am really going to miss the forums during the offseason:( but I hope you all have a very happy offseason, we know basketball and baseball is not the same as football season! Feel free to reach out to me to talk during the offseason, I am always bored and want to talk ball

Twitter handle(Or X whatever): Tp_hammock
dparker Posted - 12/08/2024 : 17:21:37
We will record a podcast tomorrow and release in the evening hopefully.

David Parker
Tom Servo Posted - 12/08/2024 : 07:25:03
I really enjoyed your podcast! It turned into a weekly must listen for me. Keep up the good job.

Are you going to do a wrap up show?
TheMUBM Posted - 12/07/2024 : 10:44:57
What a fun season! Thanks for all the people who participated and congrats to PCchase! I hope to have the forum contest updated soon.

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