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 History of High School Football in Alabama
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 Team Books

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dparker Posted - 12/19/2024 : 20:20:10
I am in the process of republishing all the books for each team on Amazon. All 156 of them! I am just waiting on the all-state teams to be released on Sunday the 22nd so I can include that information in the books.

I have added a few new things and even a section for some of the statewide records. This will include the winningest teams of all-time and the playoff records for the best teams in the postseason. Also the top 100 coaches as far as wins. Mr. Football award winners. And finally a list of all the state playoff championship games and the mythical state champions.

All the books will be updated with current information through the 2024 football season. I also added books for Parker and Ramsay and may add a few more schools.

While we have books for 156 schools if your favorite school is not included just let me know and I will see if we can get a book published for that school.

Thanks to everyone who has purchased a book the past three years. I do appreciate the support.

David Parker
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dparker Posted - 12/22/2024 : 07:38:58
I can put together a book for Corner. Give me a few days to get that done.

David Parker
Senior19 Posted - 12/21/2024 : 11:33:34
Can we get a book on the Corner Yellow Jackets

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