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 2024 Football Coaching changes

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dparker Posted - 11/02/2023 : 13:37:49
I guess it is never too early to start this parade.

First up is Erik Speakman at Opelika.
I know there were a couple of midseason changes but the first official off season coaching change.

David Parker
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mcslate Posted - 05/23/2024 : 09:02:29
It's becoming a spring tradition unfortunately but Holly Pond job is open.
cwak Posted - 05/16/2024 : 18:31:05
Arab Kyle Routin has interim tag taken off becoming full head coach.
YoungBallCoach Posted - 05/15/2024 : 04:29:59
Athens assistant coach Brick Pugh is the new head coach at Clements.
cwak Posted - 05/09/2024 : 01:04:41
Right now Routon is the intirim coach at Arab
mcslate Posted - 05/06/2024 : 19:25:01
Originally posted by Hands_Up_Cats89

Any new rumblings out of Arab?

Last I read was that the wrestling coach was now head coach. Not sure if that's interim or or full status but I assume the latter.
Hands_Up_Cats89 Posted - 05/06/2024 : 12:39:59
Any new rumblings out of Arab?
cwak Posted - 05/04/2024 : 17:30:04
Pell City hired former Alabama player Nick Gentry head coach
cwak Posted - 05/03/2024 : 18:44:46
Pell City Rush Propst resigned after 1 season
cwak Posted - 05/01/2024 : 21:49:04
Mortimer Jordan Dusty Goode is stepping down
cwak Posted - 05/01/2024 : 18:56:11
Brindlee Mtn Josh Bailey leaving as head coach to join Muscle Shoals staff

mattharris75 Posted - 04/19/2024 : 21:53:59
Kevin Creehan is the new coach at St. John Paul II.
Mosleh87 Posted - 04/15/2024 : 08:06:14
"Gaston football names former West End coach Derrick Sewell as new head coach"
BamaJoe Posted - 03/25/2024 : 06:22:34
I saw on twitter that Clements is open. It was a few days ago but never saw anything on here.

Go Eagles!
cwak Posted - 03/15/2024 : 18:04:23
St. Luke's Ronn Lee steps down as football coach; Joe Gilmore to take over. Gilmore will be the fourth head football coach in school history following Eddie Guth, John Beverly and Lee.
BrianYoung Posted - 03/10/2024 : 19:11:53
Cleburne County (Heflin) is now open
mcslate Posted - 03/01/2024 : 15:10:09
Johnny Wright returns to Sheffield.
ItsOver Posted - 02/23/2024 : 10:55:47
Russellville set to hire Dustin Goodwin as head coach. Currently receivers coach at Thompson. Served as an assistant at Russellville under his dad in the past. His dad was head coach at Russellville from 2007-2010.
BamaJoe Posted - 02/22/2024 : 12:33:50
Tanner Nelson new Sylvania HC.

Go Eagles!
YoungBallCoach Posted - 02/21/2024 : 09:30:41
Alabama Football Scoop on X reported the following:

Tuscaloosa County: Miles Holcomb, HFC at Southside Gadsden is new HC.

Berry Fayette: Danny Raines, HFC at Morgan Academy is new HC, takes back over after a long stint in the mid 2000s/2010s.
torran.smith Posted - 02/13/2024 : 16:05:45
Chad McKelvey is the new head coach at Dadeville High School in Dadeville, AL

Here is the official report from Dadeville Tiger Nation Facebook Page:
There's a new Sheriff in town! The Chad McKelvey Era of Dadeville football has officially begun. The Tallapoosa county BOE named Mckelvey the head football coach at DHS last night with a unanimous decision. He served as offensive coordinator in the past, where under his tutelage the Tigers were an offensive force to be reckoned with. Coach Mckelvey is a Man of God, very family oriented, and a true Dadeville man! Join us in welcoming Chad as head coach! Go Tigers! Forums © 2007-09 Go To Top Of Page
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