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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dparker Posted - 07/30/2010 : 17:19:00
We are in need of information on a few coaching vacancies if anyone can help me out. I think these are the only ones we are missing. The rest will be included in the next update. Since football practice starts Monday I would think these have been filled and I just can't find them.

John Essex
Holly Pond
Central Tuscaloosa

David Parker
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
tidefan102 Posted - 08/12/2010 : 12:06:39
The new coach at Vina is the principal, James Pharr. He used to coached
briefly at Sulligent in the early 2000s and has been an assistant at Vina
the past couple of years

I got this from Scot Beard of the Franklin County Times

Mike Naugher
dparker Posted - 08/06/2010 : 09:07:25
Thanks Mike. That was a fast turn around.

David Parker
tidefan102 Posted - 08/06/2010 : 07:09:42
From The Gadsden Times

Brock Rutledge was approved by the Etowah County Board of Education on Thursday evening as the interim head football coach at Sardis High School.
Rutledge, who also is the head baseball coach at Sardis, takes over for Chris Garmon. Garmon resigned from his position Monday

Mike Naugher
kturner14 Posted - 08/06/2010 : 03:47:33
American Christian Academy changed coaches Thursday. Keith Dooley has been relieved as head coach. Middle school coach Mitch Grissett will take over.
svmounties Posted - 08/03/2010 : 21:53:16
Yeah, I see I had it bass ackwards, lol. I read the above post and remembered finding something about it, and remembered the word Vina.


Shane Paschal
Shades Valley High School
Class of 1986
Go Mounties !
tidefan102 Posted - 08/03/2010 : 16:29:12
Vina didn't have a coach as of July 28

Mike Naugher
dparker Posted - 08/03/2010 : 15:01:39
I could not find where you listed the Vina Coach. You listed an article for Tharptown but it didn't state who the Vina coach was. Maybe I just couldn't see it. I believe I got everything from those posts.

David Parker
svmounties Posted - 08/03/2010 : 14:27:06
Some of these may be in the Coaching Changes 2010 thread. I listed the Vina coach there a few weeks ago.


Shane Paschal
Shades Valley High School
Class of 1986
Go Mounties !
tidefan102 Posted - 08/03/2010 : 11:52:45
From The Gadsden Times 8/3/2010

Chris Garmon resigned Monday effective immediately as the head football coach and athletics director at Sardis High School.
Coach Garmon felt like the best interest of the Sardis football program would be for him to go ahead and resign, move somewhere else and not keep the program in limbo,? Sardis principal Gerald Beard said. ?We?re just working with the situation right now and trying to go forward.?

Beard will talk this week with the assistants on the current staff and name one them as the interim coach for 2010 ?if I feel comfortable with one of them.?

Mike Naugher
tidefan102 Posted - 08/03/2010 : 08:32:12
This is from the July 28th Franklin county newspaper. They seem to be waiting pretty late to name a coach.

Can Tharptown and Vina adjust to new coaches in time to be contenders in tough region?
Tharptown is guided by former Vina coach Bill Smith while the Red Devils are unsure whom their coach will be.

Mike Naugher
dparker Posted - 08/03/2010 : 07:28:17
Scott Curd is at Brilliant and Shane Smothers is at Lawrence County.

Just looking for Vina now unless we missed someone else.

David Parker
dparker Posted - 08/02/2010 : 16:07:16
Great. That only leave Brilliant and Vina to find. Thanks guys.

David Parker
WinstonCountyGrad Posted - 08/02/2010 : 10:41:39
According to the School website, the head coach at Holly Pond is Nate Ayers.


Proud native of the "Free State of Winston"
tidefan102 Posted - 08/01/2010 : 20:25:47
From the Randolph school web site. John Anderson, veteran local coach and teacher, joined the Randolph community as its new head football coach in 2009. Anderson coached and taught at Grissom High School for 26 years before spending three years teaching and serving as defensive coordinator at Huntsville High School.

Mike Naugher
kturner14 Posted - 08/01/2010 : 19:24:57
Dennis Conner is Central Tuscaloosa's new coach.
dparker Posted - 07/31/2010 : 14:28:12
I found
Clements = Michael Brown
John Essex = Jerome Antone

David Parker
tidefan102 Posted - 07/30/2010 : 18:52:53
A post on says the new Meek coach is Lance Archer

"Lance Archer was named head coach at Meek High School as of the board meeting last night. I hear that he may bring in some great help for the team. Also some new guys transferred in that should help. I feel like it is an all around good move, especially with the help I have heard of. Good luck Tigers"

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