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 History of High School Football in Alabama
 Coaches Project
 Florence area

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tidefan102 Posted - 01/08/2010 : 20:45:59
1927 Colbert County H.J. Holland
1932 Lauderdale County W.D. Snead
1932 Central C.C. Kindig
1932 Waterloo Thomas Howell
1933 Waterloo Andy Procter
1933 Colbert County Mike Sibley
1934 Lauderdale County Frock Pate
1934 Joe Bradley Harbin Lawson
1934 Colbert County Mike Sibley
1935 Colbert County Mike Sibley
1935 Hamilton Frock Pate
1935 Waterloo Thomas Howell
1936 Colbert County Mike Sibley
1936 Lexington Wheat
1936 Ardmore Alan Thornton
1936 Central C.D. Kindig
1937 Elkmont Claude Wood
1938 Colbert County Mike Sibley
1938 Russellville C.D. Kindig
1939 Colbert County Michael Duncan
1949 Colbert County Dick Dill

Mike Naugher
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
tidefan102 Posted - 01/21/2010 : 12:27:56
1922-1926 Sheffield ?? Grubb no first name listed
1925-1927 Lauderdale County E.W. Pilgram
1945-1946 Oneonta Clair Strikckland
1947 Lauderdale County Lloyd McPeters
1949 Sterling N.D.Comer
1949 Red Bay Braxton Sanford

Mike Naugher
tidefan102 Posted - 01/10/2010 : 09:09:59
1938 Phillips Birmingham J.L. Walker
1938 Colbert County Maehugh Duncan
1938 Bridgeport Gene Battle
1939 Colbert County Maehugh Duncan
1939 Cherokee Roy Sutton
1940 Colbert County Maehugh Duncan
1940 Cherokee Roy Sutton
1941 Colbert County Maehugh Duncan
1941 Cherokee Roy Sutton
1941 Coffee Tom Braley
1941 Hazelwood J.W. Waites
1942 Cherokee Ray Simpson
1942 Colbert County George Carter

Mike Naugher
tidefan102 Posted - 01/09/2010 : 08:10:07
David, I have been working at the other end, starting in 1932 and working my way up. Maybe we will meet in the middle.

Mike Naugher
dparker Posted - 01/09/2010 : 00:19:18
Mike, I have been working on the Florence area for a few days so I have a ton of scores from 1968-2000 and almost all the coaches 1950-09. Just thought I would let you know that.

David Parker
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