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 History of High School Football in Alabama
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 top ranked team 0-2

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
svmounties Posted - 08/30/2014 : 08:36:31
David, here's another interesting topic for discussion. With Hoover going to 0-2 now, It would be interesting to know if any top ranked preseason team had ever started the season 0-2, yet remained #1 in the state the following week. It's quite possible this would happen this coming week. We definitely have a unique set of circumstances this time. Both of Hoover's losses were to top teams in the nation. I can think of a few instances in the past where it might have occurred. I can think of a few such as when Courtland, Hazlewood, UMS-Wright, Pike County, basically the smaller teams, played higher classes to begin the season yet were still considered the best in their class. I could look that up, but these quirky tidbits are always interesting to discuss.


Shane Paschal
Shades Valley High School
Class of 1986
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