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 History of High School Football in Alabama
 State Champions
 Oneonta 1951 Football

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Crowflight Posted - 05/09/2016 : 08:59:01
Dalton Bynum was an all-state center for the Oneonta Redskins on its 1951 Birmingham News 2A District 4 State Championship team. He went on to play for Auburn in the early 1950s with Fob James, Lowell Tubbs, etc. I noticed that his name is misspelled on the website as "Byman". Please make this correction so this site will be historically correct. I grew up with Dalton in Oneonta and was a high school teammate of his. This is my first posting and I am happy to join the parade with David and all the rest of you who love the game.
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dparker Posted - 05/09/2016 : 20:15:04
Welcome aboard. Feel free to let me know when I get something wrong. Often the newspapers back then were bad about misspelling names. I have corrected that error.


David Parker
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