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 History of High School Football in Alabama
 State Champions
 1983-1984 Dora High School Baseball

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
belksports Posted - 06/15/2022 : 01:49:28
I was a member of the 1983-1984 Dora High School baseball team that finished runner up that year. Ya'll currently list our team as final four. We defeated Mortimer Jordan in the state semi-finals 2 games to 1. We was defeated in the state championship series 2 games to 1 by Hillcrest High School. Our coach was Eddie Varnadore. Ya'll incorrectly have his record listed the same on his coaches page as only final four that year also. Should be listed as state runner up there. I have my high school year book and the state championship game program that lists Dora Bulldogs north Alabama champs vs Hillcrest Patriots south Alabama champs if ya'll need picture verification.
Randy Belk
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dparker Posted - 06/15/2022 : 07:16:56
We list Area/Region champions, Elite Eight, Final Four and State champions for each sport other than football. It is just the way we do it. No runner up teams are designated for any sport just that they reached the final four.

Maybe it should have been done long ago but it was not.

David Parker
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