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 History of High School Football in Alabama
 All State Project
 2005 Morgan Academy All State

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
hhughes31 Posted - 08/01/2018 : 19:06:57
Blake South and Henley Hughes aren't showing on the 2005 list. Both were AISA all stars and Hughes was a West All Star Captain. Both were the top tacklers on Morgan's last 2 state title teams in 2003 and 2005.

Blake South TE/DE 6'3" 225
Henley Hughes LB/FB 6'0" 220
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dparker Posted - 08/02/2018 : 12:02:10
There is a difference between all-state and all-star. We currently have every all-state team selected by any source for the 2003-2005 seasons. We do not have any of the rosters for the AISA all-star games which is something totally different than an all-state team.

Someday we may research the all-star game rosters and include them in our records. As with any all-star or all-state team for any season and any sport, we only include players when we have a copy of the entire team.

Thanks for visiting

David Parker
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