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 History of High School Football in Alabama
 All State Project
 1986 6 A All State Condra Payne Defensive Back

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Payneco Posted - 11/04/2019 : 12:55:22
Hello, It's so great seeing how you all have gathered information on Sports in the Great State of Alabama.

My name is Condre Payne and I am currently coaching Defensive Backs at Lee County High School in Leesburg, Ga. We are coming off of Back to Back State Champions in 6A.

I was a football player for Central High School of Tuscaloosa and made the ASWA 6A All State Honorable Mention Defensive Back in 1986. I was contacting you to see if my classification Sr., and weight 165 and college Tuskegee University be added to the site. Again, I am so thrilled to have played my high school football in Alabama. Thanks!

Condre Payne

Condre Payne
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dparker Posted - 11/04/2019 : 14:37:58
We only add the college for players that won an award greater than all-state. It is just the way the program was set up many years ago. I have no place to add the college for all-state players.

David Parker
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