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 History of High School Football in Alabama
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dparker Posted - 11/11/2022 : 09:32:25
It is gratifying to finally complete a project after many years of research. But today I finally found the last roster we needed for the AHSAA North/South All-Star Game.

The last piece to the puzzle was the 1997 game and I found the rosters in the Montgomery paper after looking many times over the years in other newspapers.

So now we have the rosters for every North/South all-star game that was ever played from the initial 1948 game through this year.

I also managed to find the all-state football teams from the Birmingham Post Herald for the years of 1980 and 1981. Those were the last two I had been looking for over the years. We now have them all from that paper between 1950-1983. We already have the all-state teams between 1921-2006 from the Birmingham News. And of course we have all the ASWA teams.

We now have 46,021 all-state football players on file including 29,228 different players. Some players were selected multiple times by different sources or in more than one season. That is a lot of players who have been selected to an all-state team over the years.

David Parker
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
WinstonCountyGrad Posted - 11/11/2022 : 10:11:45
Excellent work! I took a look and noticed the All-Star game record for 1981 on Winston County has Kim Miller listed as Ken Miller. He is listed correctly on the All-State listing as Kim but the paper must have misspelled it on the All-Star listing.


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