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 History of High School Football in Alabama
 All State Project
 1979 Montgomery Advertiser All State Football Team

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jochez06 Posted - 11/24/2013 : 12:28:52
Stanley Sanchez, was a 1979 All-County, All-Region wide receiver for the Foley Lions was also elected to the 1979 Montgomery Advertiser All-State Football Team.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dparker Posted - 10/13/2015 : 07:59:23
One of my future projects is to research all the Montgomery Advertisers all-state teams back to around 1950 when they first selected a teams. When will I do it? Now that is a good question. Someday for sure. It is a lot of work just to find each team not to mention having to enter them in the computer.

David Parker
dolba007 Posted - 10/12/2015 : 21:56:43
I would like to see the 1978 Montgomery Advertiser All State Team. Do you know when or if this team will be published. Thanks
dparker Posted - 11/24/2013 : 14:58:00
I remember watching Stanley play at Foley very well.

The problem is to add him as an all-state player we must have the entire team from the Montgomery Advitiser. At this time I do not have that team. But, at some time I hope to take the time to find all the Montgomery all-state teams.

David Parker
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