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 History of High School Football in Alabama
 All State Project
 All State Players

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cwak Posted - 11/17/2014 : 12:02:02
What if your just completing a name and not adding to the list do you still need the entire list? All the ones I researched it listed last names and I found their full names.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
djeter Posted - 03/29/2016 : 08:36:01
I have name updates for 79 Bham All-State 1/2A team. I played at Red Level and in 79 Jeter = Dewayne Jeter, Bradley = Willie Bradley. Also Willie was a FB/LB not a C.

Thank you for putting this together

Dewayne Jeter
cwak Posted - 11/17/2014 : 18:58:17
all the ones I posted below are just that
dparker Posted - 11/17/2014 : 16:03:17
I would like to have the first name of the players if we are missing them. Often the newspaper would only list last names for the honorable mention teams.

So yes, you are more than welcome to post the first names of players.

David Parker
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