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 History of High School Football in Alabama
 AIAA Schools
 Carver Gadsden

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tidefan102 Posted - 03/17/2010 : 14:27:43
Carver Gadsden played their home games at Murphree Stadium

Mike Naugher
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
tidefan102 Posted - 07/10/2010 : 12:11:47
Carver Gadsden played their home games at Murphree Stadium Gadsden.

Mike Naugher
tidefan102 Posted - 07/09/2010 : 15:30:22
Carver Gadsden 1956
1 9/12/1956 H 33 Westside 0 W
2 9/18/1956 A 0 Cobb Avenue 6 W
3 9/25/1956 H 12 Ullman 6 W
4 10/2/1956 H 0 East Highland 25 L
5 10/10/1956 A 41 Carver Montgomery 0 W
6 10/16/1956 A 6 Parker 26 L
7 10/23/1956 H 34 Lakeside Decatur 7 W
8 10/30/1956 A 12 B.T, Washington Montgomery 7 W
9 11/5/1956 A 25 Laurel 0 W
10 11/16/1956 H 65 Darden 13 W Murphree Stadium Goodfellows Clasic

Mike Naugher
tidefan102 Posted - 06/22/2010 : 13:42:56
Carver Gadsden
9/12/1970 H 6 Mt. Olive Phenix City 20 L
9/19/1970 H 18 Calhoun County Training 12 W
9/25/1970 A 0 Cobb Avenue 86 L
10/1/1970 A 0 Emma Sansom 43 L
10/9/1970 Open
10/16/1970 A Tomlimville L
10/23/1970 H 42 Calhoun County Training 18 W
10/30/1970 A Blount
26 Carver Birmingham 12 W

9/7/1962 H 13 Calhoun County Training 2 W
9/13/1962 A 6 Cobb Avenue 19 L
9/22/1962 H 26 G.P. Austin TN 0 W
9/26/1962 H 18 East Highland 20 L
10/5/1962 A 12 Carver Montgomery 13 L
10/11/1962 H 32 Hayes 0 W
10/19/1962 A 26 Norris 0 W
10/26/1962 A Laurel L
11/9/1962 H 0 Weonoah 0 T
11/15/1962 H Druid

Mike Naugher
ticket taker Posted - 04/30/2010 : 22:36:34
Carver of Gadsden played their early games at Dwight Park. This park was across from Emma Sansom High School, later General Forrest Jr. High School! W.T. Murphree Stadium was opened on October 12, 1934!
tidefan102 Posted - 04/22/2010 : 16:18:29
1/1/1940 H Carver Gadsden 0 Cobb Avenue 0 Industrial Bowl Murphree Stadium Gadsden

Mike Naugher
Mr Mike Posted - 03/19/2010 : 21:36:08
Carver of Gadsden did play their home games at Murphree Stadium in later years but they also played at Dwight Park in Alabama City. Forums © 2007-09 Go To Top Of Page
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