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 History of High School Football in Alabama
 AIAA Schools
 Trinity Athens & Councill

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cwak Posted - 09/15/2014 : 16:03:39
Trinity Athens colors were Purple & Gold
the School and football field were @ 600 Trinity Dr Athens
Latitude 34.797799

Councill High was located on 644 St Clair Ave SW in huntsville

Latitude: 34.722478
Longitude: -86.588737
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gpope23 Posted - 09/04/2016 : 14:35:46
For the record, Blacks that resided within the city of Huntsville attended Councill High while those that resided outside of the Huntsville City but lived in Madison County attended Councill Training which was on AAMU's campus.

Also from 1940-1970, AAMU home games were played on an on campus stadium until the moved their games to Milton-Frank. Councill Training would indeed play their home games on AAMU campus stadium until the school closed due to desegregation rulings in the late 1960s.

I would post the old campus stadium picture but I am at work and am blocked from doing so.
cwak Posted - 10/01/2014 : 00:11:55
I meant they may have both used the full name and that was the same sorry.
Councill Training was at 4199 Meridian St N Normal AL
Latitude: 34.782702
Longitude: -86.573011
They also had their own field because A&M didn't play on campus until 1996. I think they use it as a practice field for their band but so far unconfirmed.
svmounties Posted - 09/30/2014 : 23:56:14
Perhaps posting links to various findings, when possible, might be needed, so we know what is found is actually correct.


Shane Paschal
Shades Valley High School
Class of 1986
Go Mounties !
dparker Posted - 09/30/2014 : 23:20:14
Actually Councill and Councill Training are two different schools. Someone who attended one of the schools has been helping us a little with some of their scores and information.

It is like the R.R. Moton schools and G.W. Carver schools. There are (were) several of these around the state.

David Parker
cwak Posted - 09/30/2014 : 23:05:57
in 1959 Councill played @ Howard high school from Chattanooga and hosted them in 1960 losing both games
cwak Posted - 09/30/2014 : 22:44:23

it's listed as Cooper, and while I haven't verified it I imagine Councill training is the same because both were named after the same person.
dparker Posted - 09/15/2014 : 19:11:31
Thanks, I will get this added.

David Parker
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