We now have 561 teams &
123,432 games on
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Notes on Our Progress
I am going to start this page to let those interested know the progress we are making. It will include notes about what I am working on currently and teams that others have sent recently that I have added scores and coaches.
2/26 - I added five schools to the website. Tallahatchie AHS, Lafayette AHS, Derma, Clarke AHS, Big Creek and Tippah AHS. I determined these schools were different than the local town schools through some research in the 1920s. We have added over 1,00 new scores in just the past week. I am working in the 1920s-30s on the smaller weekly newspapers. Found a lot of scores for Charleston.
2/18 - A Purvis fan sent us most of the scores for them today and I got them entered. I worked on Louisville during the 1920s-1940s and found a few seasons. I want to keep digging for them. I believe they are near the top when it comes to all-time victories.
2/17 - I have spent a lot of time getting the playoffs straight for the MAIS academies back to the 1970 football season. I think I have all the playoff games now. We had some missing but to the best of my knowledge it is all good now. It was difficult to figure out some years because teams had a bye some weeks. I also worked on the conferences prior to 1981 for the MAIS schools to get most of their conference records complete. We are missing a couple of scores between Louisiana teams I think. I will try to track those down. You can now see all the MAIS playoff games on the website under 'playoffs'. Let me know if I missed anything.
I got some work done to complete the Little Ten Conference back to it's initial season in 1931. I think we have all the schools correct now for each season.
2/5 - I spent the last few days going through and finding all the district games for the Academies between 1982-2002. That is very time consuming. I also looked through all the teams during that timeframe to double check the district standings and made some corrections. The conferences are mostly complete with a few that I am still working to figure out for the early 1950s. I think I have everything for the 1960s and 1970s.
We are looking for all 2020 coaching changes to get them on the website so if you hear of any please let me know. I added a link to the ones we know about on the main webpage.
1/28 - We have come a long way in the past two months toward completing many of the schools back to 1950. We have about 96% of the scores and 87% of the coaches. Thanks for everyone's help. I have been trying to get all the conferences finished back to at least 1950 and been pretty successful back to the mid 1950s. Also have been working on getting the conference games marked for each team so they show up.
I did some modifications to the team pages to show the conference years better for each team. I also did a few more adjustments to the team pages to help everyone view them better with a little more information for each team. I am working on finding conference champions for each conference and season. If you can help there it will be appreciated.
I do not look at the website as you do very often. I use a self written background program that shows me a totally different view of the teams and coaches so I can better enter the data. So it was good for me to view the website just as you do so I could fix some errors. I hope this helps.
We are still struggling to accurately determine how some schools fit together and in some cases are two schools the same or totally different schools. One case is Ruleville and Ruleville Central. I know Ruleville was a school prior to integration in 1970 but I think it may have closed and the students went to the other town school known as Ruleville Central. If that is the case they should be separated. There are a few cases like this that I just cannot find enough information to determine exactly what to do.
I am still working every single day on Mississippi to get as much finished as possible before springtime.
1/4 - I went through the 1965-1969 seasons and searched for each game every week and cleaned up the seasons as best I could. I think a lot of the missing games are open dates. I tried to find as many, using the schedules, as I could but the Clarion-Ledger is not 100% complete when it comes to team schedules. Lee is helping find missing scores and John W. is still finding missing coaches. Thanks guys.
1/2 - Happy New Year. I have entered all the master schedules from the Clarion-Ledger for the years from 1977-1986 except 1981. That helps me find the missing scores a little easier and gets rid of all the open dates. I changed the missing scores page a little separating the years by decades. I am adding the missing scores for each year as I get the schedules added and have made a relatively good search for each game. I hope this helps. In between adding the schedules I am chasing teams trying to find as many missing scores for each school. My goal is to get as many schools with less than 25 missing scores for the past 70 years.
12/30 - Ben sent scores for Smithville, Hatley and Houston that complete the first two and most of Houston except a few missing scores for the very early seasons. I got the schedules for 1974 and 1976 entered from the Clarion-Ledger. They do not have schedules for every team those seasons so that was a little disappointing.
12/26 - I got some work done over the past few days. I decided to try and finish some teams back to 1950 and had some success. I did complete Forest, Mendenhall, Columbia, Pillow Academy, Manhattan Academy and Morton. I got very close on a few others including Strider Academy, Scott Central, Magee, Picayune, Charleston, Kosciusko, Leland and New Albany. I chased scores for a bunch of other teams but eventually gave up for now.
12/21 - I am going through the master schedules form the Clarion Ledger starting with 1985 and moving forward. I have 1985-96 complete so that cleaned up a bunch of open dates and the games we are missing.
12/20 - Dacey requested I create a list of missing coaches by season. So now we have a link on the 'Our Progress" page just for that list. I hope this helps. Get ready. Here they come. Almost all the Academies will start showing up in the right column of the Progress page. I am getting most of them under 25 missing scores now.
12/19 - I did a quick count and figured we need less than 500 games from 1985-2019. There have been about 54,000 games played during that time so we are about 99% complete. I am still working on the seasons prior to 1985. One at a time. One thing is that a lot of the missing games from 1985-1999 are open dates for schools that I struggle to find all the time.
12/18 - Lee Smith sent Aberdeen, Starkville, Walnut, Thrasher and Hamilton scores and I got those entered. It moved Aberdeen past Meridian for the most wins in history. We still have a lot of unknown schools so that could change. That new information completes Hamilton and gets very close on Walnut. I also created the page for these notes and the one that shows the games we need by each season. I got that one back through the 1985 season so far. We only need about 500 games for the 1985-2002 period. I have been entering scores for the 1980-2002 time period the past two weeks and have entered about 5,000 so far.
David Parker