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AHSFHS Article Series

   The best of the best in Alabama High   
  School Football over the past 100 seasons.

Championship Coaches  

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      The primary goal at has always been to research and complete everything possible for the sport of high school football in Alabama. While that will remain the case, it is nice to include all the other sports along the way.

       After a ton of research we have worked to complete a list of all the coaches that have won state championships in every sport. While this is much more difficult than football it is a task that can be completed. We have most of the coached complete for each sport and will continue to work on the remaining blanks in the list.

       A link to these coaches is below and can be found in the 'all sports' section of the website. Look under each sport to find a link to the state champions for that sport.

       While winning several championships in football is thought of as a great achievement, one coach has won a total of 94 state titles in six sports over the past 28 years and continues to coach at St. Paul's. Jim Tate has won 9 titles in Boys' Cross Country, 18 in Girls' Cross County, 15 in Boys' Track and Field, 21 in Girls' Track and Field, 12 in Boys' Indoor Track and 19 in Girls' Indoor Track. That is an amazing number of state championships for one school much less for a single coach.

       Other notable coaches include Pat Gale at UMS-Wright with 61 titles since 1972 in the same six sports. Most notably he has won 21 titles in Boys' Track and Field since 1981 including the last seven.

       John Esslinger won 45 titles at Scottsboro in the same six sports including 18 in Girls' Cross Country between 1992 and 2012.

       Greg Echols has won 44 titles at Mountain Brook in Cross Country and Track and Field. His teams won twelve consecutive championships in Girls' Cross Country from 2003-2014.

       See the entire list or a list sorted by each sport at Championship Coaches. To view all the championship teams along with the winning coaches go to 'all sports' section of the website and look under each sport to fin the championship teams.

       If you can assist us in finding some of the missing coaches it will be appreciated. Just email me below or join us in the forums.

David Parker

Great Moments in Alabama High School Football History

Robby James has won nine AISA State Championships during his career at Catherine Academy, Morgan Academy and Marengo Academy.