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AHSFHS Article Series

   The best of the best in Alabama High   
  School Football over the past 100 seasons.


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       While much of our time is spent on football, the other sports are just as important to some athletes, coaches and fans. To fill that need we are working to add as much information as possible for these sports. is working to complete a new section about the greatest coaches in the other sports. These webpages include the coaches and teams with their season records and accomplishments. The lists include the coaches who have distinguished themselves as the leaders in each sport.

       Here is an example of the project including the coach with the most victories in each sport.

                Basketball - Eugene Mason, R.C. Hatch 919 wins
                Baseball - William Booth, Hartselle   900+ wins
                Girls Basketball - Donnie Roberts, Red Bay   850+ wins
                Volleyball - Glenda Wright, Hazel Green & Walker   1,458-593
                Softball - Billy Duncan, Pisgah   730-197               

      While this project is far from complete it is a great start to maintain and preserve the history of these sports. If you are a coach or know of a coach that is not on our list please use the email address below to let me know. I will promptly make the necessary corrections and include the information. We still need a lot of work for the early years of the AISA especially the girls' sports.

       I believe the information about these coaches included in this project is accurate. There are others I am working on to include but have been unable to verify enough information yet. There has also been an effort to update the current coaches in each sport at each school.

       A link to these coaches can be found in the 'all sports' section of the website. Look for 'The Coaches' in the left column or follow this link to view the coaches we currently have in our database. The coaches can been seen sorted by sport with a short profile for each.

       Links to these winning coaches can also be found in the center column under some of the team sports including baseball, girls basketball, softball and volleyball. This is also a work in progress and as new coaches are discovered with their overall won/lost records, they will be added to the list. If you know of a coach we have neglected to include please email me and I will make the necessary additions.


David Parker

Great Moments in Alabama High School Football History

Hamilton shutout an amazing 14 consecutive opponents from 1928-1930. A streak that will never be matched in modern football.