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rgarrison54 Posted - 06/03/2020 : 10:10:20
One of the greatest scorers in Alabama high school basketball history is from Ryan High School in Morgan County. Ryan was closed in the early 70's. Robert Whisenant averaged 46.3 points per game his senior season. That's without the three point shot. Ryan is not listed in the basketball section at all.
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mcslate Posted - 06/24/2020 : 16:27:12
Ryan School actually stayed open several more decades but only as a K-8 school. In the early 70s Ryan, Union Hill, Lacey's Spring, Cotaco, Eva, and Priceville all started sending their 9-12 students to the newly built Albert P. Brewer High School in Morgan County.

The school remained a K-8 school until its official closure in 2011.
rgarrison54 Posted - 06/03/2020 : 21:50:54
This is copied from the AHSAA website.
46.3 Robert Whisenant, Ryan (Joppa), 1969-70 (24 games)
45.1 Tommy Murr, Lindsay Lane, 2018-19 (32 games)
44.3 Tommy Murr, Lindsay Lane, 2019-20 (34 games)
44.0 John Drew, J.F. Shields, 1970-71
40.4 Jeremy Monceaux, Parkway Christian, 1999-00
40.4 Jeremy Monceaux, Parkway Christian, 1998-99
40.0 Raynae Watts, Alexandria, 1955-56
39.7 Tommy Murr, Lindsay Lane, 2017-18 (31 games)
38.2 Harvey Carmichael, Snow Hill Institute, 1970-71
37.8 Darryl Wilson, South Lamar, 1991-92
37.0 Andrew Toney, Glenn, 1975-76
36.9 Kameron Woods, Pinson Valley, 2019-20 (32 games)
36.8 Jeremy Monceaux, Parkway Christian, 2000-01
36.5 Lance Weems, Clay County, 1989-90
36.0 Charles Cleveland, Bibb County, 1970-71
34.6 Robert Whisenant, Ryan (Joppa), 1968-69
33.8 Xavier Moon, Central Coosa, 2012-13
33.5 Brandon Roberts, West Morgan, 2012-13
33.4 Travis Butler, Lauderdale County, 1965-66
33.0 Robert Whisenant, Ryan, 1968-69 (23 games)
dparker Posted - 06/03/2020 : 20:57:11
Sadly information about many of the schools is lost to time and never really covered by the newspapers at that time. All we can add is what we find researching the resources available. Mostly the players we list were from some all-state team or all-star team.

If Robert Whisenhunt was named to an all-star or all-state team we would have him listed if it was after 1970. There were many great players in all the sports that will never be recognized for their accomplishments.

David Parker
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