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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TheMUBM Posted - 10/15/2021 : 19:36:32
Guys if you have the NFHS network, I am telling you turn on Lexington Colbert County. They played most of the first in a torrential downpour. Neither team has gotten a first down. It's 0-0 after 1.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mcslate Posted - 10/15/2021 : 22:46:08
Not really on Geraldine. Cullman/Athens had just finished and I saw on Twitter that it was 19-14 Fyffe. By the time I found it on NFHS Geraldine was ahead and Fyffe was on their last drive.
TheMUBM Posted - 10/15/2021 : 21:31:16
Originally posted by mcslate

I would have but I caught the tail end of Geraldine ending Fyffe's 51 game win streak. Did catch some of the East Limestone/Russellville game (not too far away) and it just got blurrier and blurrier.

I was following that on Scorestream. You got any specifics?
TheMUBM Posted - 10/15/2021 : 21:30:21
Final Lexington 20 CCHS 0 Lexington is a dangerous 2A North team, I am telling you all.
mcslate Posted - 10/15/2021 : 21:25:15
I would have but I caught the tail end of Geraldine ending Fyffe's 51 game win streak. Did catch some of the East Limestone/Russellville game (not too far away) and it just got blurrier and blurrier.
TheMUBM Posted - 10/15/2021 : 20:58:24
End of 3 Lexington 14 CCHS 0. Defense has been the difference as I stated. That being said CCHS has the ball on their end and can still make this a game.
TheMUBM Posted - 10/15/2021 : 20:09:42
We'll go to half 6-0 Lexington. Lexington has been inside the 10 twice and came away with 6. Colbert County's deepest penetration has been the Lexington 20 but Lexington's QB Lard came up gimpy earlier. Could be something to watch for. Forums © 2007-09 Go To Top Of Page
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