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 Your Top 10 Final Poll

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TheMUBM Posted - 11/01/2021 : 19:39:09
Ok guys, we have reached the end of the regular season and time for our finals polls. Thanks to David for hosting this site again this year with all the great information and anyone who helps him, thanks to those who have participated in the polls and offered comments. Even thanks to my old friend/nemesis Powerlineman for showing back up. I plan to put up some more content this week revolving around games in my area, I hope to have more time to do all polls next year but with work and Masters classes it was a challenge just to do 4A and 3A. That being said it is time for your final polls...

1.) Vigor
2.) American Christian
3.) Madison Academy
4.) Northside
5.) Brooks
6.) Oneonta
7.) Gordo
8.) Anniston
9.) Bibb County
10.) Jacksonville (NR)

1.) Catholic
2.) TR Miller
3.) Saks
4.) Ohatchee
5.) Winfield
6.) Piedmont
7.) Bayside
8.) Geraldine
9.) Fyffe (+1)
10.) Southside Selma (NR)
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
kodyaufan2 Posted - 11/04/2021 : 08:32:20
1. Brantley
2. Sweet Water
3. Keith (+4)
4. Maplesville (-1)
5. Wadley (-1)
6. Notasulga
7. Pickens County (-2)
8. Decatur Heritage
9. Hubbertville
10. Meek (NR)

1. Elba
2. Ariton (+1)
3. Spring Garden (+1)
4. G.W. Long (+1)
5. Clarke County (-3)
6. Cleveland
7. Lanett (+2)
8. Luverne
9. Midfield (NR)
10. Mars Hill

1. Montgomery Catholic
2. Winfield
3. Fyffe
4. Saks (+1)
5. T.R. Miller (+3)
6. Ohatchee (NR)
7. Piedmont (-3)
8. Lauderdale County (-1)
9. Trinity (-3)
10. Sylvania (-1)

1. Brooks (+1)
2. American Christian (+1)
3. Vigor (-1)
4. Northside (+1)
5. Madison Academy (+1)
6. Gordo (+1)
7. Oneonta (+1)
8. Randolph (+1)
9. Handley (-5)
10. St. James (NR)

1. Pike Road
2. Alexandria
3. Pleasant Grove
4. UMS-Wright
5. Guntersville
6. Parker
7. Leeds
8. Fairview (+1)
9. Central Clay County (+1)
10. St. Paul's (NR)

1. Clay-Chalkville
2. Hartselle
3. Mountain Brook (+1)
4. Briarwood (+1)
5. Helena (-2)
6. Saraland
7. Spanish Fort
8. Hueytown
9. Muscle Shoals
10. Opelika

1. Hoover
2. Central Phenix City
3. Thompson
4. James Clemens
5. Fairhope
6. Theodore
7. Auburn
8. Hewitt-Trussville
9. Baker
10. Prattville

I'd just like to note that I don't necessarily rank teams based on how good they are, although that does factor in. I rank them based on how deserving they are of their ranking based on their record and schedule. Forums © 2007-09 Go To Top Of Page
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