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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tidefan102 Posted - 12/15/2009 : 12:28:13
David, thisgs seem to be working smooth here. Did you get my post from yesterday on the old forum?

Mike Naugher
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
svmounties Posted - 12/16/2009 : 17:29:56
David, were you able to get the emails the posters rgistered from so you could send them an email alerting them to the forum change ? There's liable to be alot of them that might not come back until next season starts. I know I had a link saved for the main page of the site, plus a link to the forum. The forum link is now bad, and if that's all they had saved then they might just assume there no longer is a forum.
tidefan102 Posted - 12/16/2009 : 15:50:14
Well as usual what you told me to do made the page look just fine. I love how the forums are so fast. Now we just need to get all the old posters to come to the new location.

Mike Naugher
dparker Posted - 12/16/2009 : 08:09:22
I tired to make it where everything is set to be viewed by the majority of visitors to the website. I believe if you look up near the top of IE Explorer where you see "File Edit View etc". If you click on view and set the text size to medium you will view things as most people do. I think you may have the font size set to 'larger' and it makes things too big to fit. Now you may have it set that way for a reason, I don't know.

Let me know if that makes a difference.

David Parker
tidefan102 Posted - 12/16/2009 : 06:43:58
It looks good to me except it could be a little wider so everything will fit on one line.

Mike Naugher
dparker Posted - 12/15/2009 : 15:59:44
I did get it Mike. I hope everything looks fine.

David Parker
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