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 The Finale, Games To Watch.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sloth Nationzz Posted - 11/30/2021 : 13:38:09
Good afternoon and welcome to the final edition of Games to Watch for the 2021 season. I will return next fall to do these once again, but I will miss doing this. Let us start for our last time this season! we will be back next August with all sorts of craziness just waiting to happen. Let us begin.

7A: Thompson vs Central Phenix City
What can I say about these teams that you don't already know. CPC has been rolling all season, Auburn gave them their toughest test and they still won by 11 points. Thompson actually lost a game, but then came back and got their revenge on Hoover. Both teams have division one talent and both have great coaches. Whoever wins it will come down to the end. My Prediction: I will take the Thompson Warriors to complete their 3-peat as state champs. Thompson wins, 31-28.

6A: Clay-Chalkville vs Hueytown
Well this feels similar to last season when Linden played Pickens County twice. These two played in August and Clay got the better end of Hueytown. Ever since, the Hueytown offense has been red hot. No team has been able to stop this offense since. It is never easy to beat a team twice, especially a team like this. My Prediction: Clay-Chalkville has almost slipped up and lost two games in a row and Hueytown has mostly crushed their teams. I am going to take Hueytown to get their revenge. Hueytown wins 45-42.

5A: Pike Road vs Pleasant Grove
This will be quite a fun game to watch. Pike Road has struggled against veteran teams this season. Pleasant Grove really hasnt struggled at all. Pike road has barely struggled as well. I will take the championship experience. My Prediction:Pleasant Grove wins 35-28 due to their championship resume.

4A: Oneonta vs Vigor
These two have never met on the field and boy this game will be a great one to watch. These teams are very evenly matched. Vigor only lost to St.Pauls, and they lead in that game for a bit. Oneonta lost to Etowah early on in the season. This is a coin flip game and I am not sure who will win. My Prediction:Vigor will win a great game. Vigor wins 36-35.

3A: Montgomery Academy vs Piedmont
Well look what we have here. Some of us expected this matchup to happen last season. However one year later and we have the 3A title. The first time Montgomery Catholic allows over 7 points? they lost. Montgomery Academy is a great example of getting hot late. Piedmont has been great all season long. My Prediction: Do you believe in miracles? I am predicting a low scoring game. Montgomery Academy wins 17-14 to stun class 3A.

2A: Cleveland vs Clarke County
Someone is taking home their first state title. Will it be Cleveland who knocked of Mars Hill? or will it be Clarke County who had a great season. I think this will be an interesting matchup. My Prediction:Clarke County will win and bring home the title. Clarke County wins 34-26.

1A: Sweet Water vs Wadley
I did not expect to be writing about Wadley but they took down Pickens County. Sweet Water was the team I regret not looking into because they are a very good football team. This is another coin flip game and I have a good feeling about who will win. My Prediction:Sweet Water wins and reclaims the glory of years past. Sweet Water wins 28-12.

That is it for this season! wow what a great year we had. I am glad to be writing these and I will be back next year. Next year is going to be wild with the new schedules and new faces in their classifications. Good luck to all the teams!! Games To Watch will be back next August!!
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
kodyaufan2 Posted - 12/01/2021 : 20:39:24
I'm a little late, and since we only have the one game in each class, I'll just save some space and just give my picks.

7A: Thompson--34, Central Phenix City--17

6A: Clay-Chalkville--54, Hueytown--38

5A: Pleasant Grove--33, Pike Road--24

4A: Vigor--30, Oneonta--24

3A: Piedmont--27, Montgomery Academy--24

2A: Clarke County--24, Cleveland--14

1A: Sweet Water--41, Wadley--20 Forums © 2007-09 Go To Top Of Page
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