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 Piedmont vs St James

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BamaJoe Posted - 12/01/2022 : 13:35:20
This game is crazy. Two evenly matched but totally different teams. Piedmont is smash you in the mouth over and over until you break. St James has speed all over the place. They can score in a hurry

Go Eagles!
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sloth Nationzz Posted - 12/02/2022 : 13:01:58
Yeah Jack is warrior for sure. One of the greats in AHSAA History thats for sure.
TheMUBM Posted - 12/02/2022 : 08:16:22
Originally posted by Sloth Nationzz

I told you all the whole season Saint James was that team!

Every now and then a blind squirrel will find an acorn. Just kidding man, your analysis was right on. Piedmonts secondary couldn't keep up with the St James receivers. That being said, Jack had banged up his shoulder and had cut his hand and still played his guts out. Kid is a legend in AL high school football. Piedmont had nothing else though.

Totally impressed with how KJ throws the ball. Unfortunately I didn't get to see a lot of that when I watched the Mobile Christian game because Harrison just ran all over them. It may have influenced my pick had I saw more of his passing in the game. Congratulations to St James on the big win.
BamaJoe Posted - 12/01/2022 : 17:27:13
Originally posted by dparker

I had St. James #2 in the preseason preview. The problem was that I had Piedmont #1. So close yet so far away. Congratulations to St. James. They played a great second half. Their QB KJ Jackson is the real deal for sure.

Jack Hayes gave it everything he had but Piedmont could not deal with that much speed. St. James should be just as good next year.

David Parker

for the most part it seemed like Jack was about it. St. James secondary did a great job on the back end. Piedmont secondary could not hold up the same way thats for sure.

Go Eagles!
dparker Posted - 12/01/2022 : 16:23:31
I had St. James #2 in the preseason preview. The problem was that I had Piedmont #1. So close yet so far away. Congratulations to St. James. They played a great second half. Their QB KJ Jackson is the real deal for sure.

Jack Hayes gave it everything he had but Piedmont could not deal with that much speed. St. James should be just as good next year.

David Parker
Sloth Nationzz Posted - 12/01/2022 : 14:35:37
I told you all the whole season Saint James was that team!
BamaJoe Posted - 12/01/2022 : 14:00:58
Apparently St. James decided they were not two evenly matched teams.

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