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 Spam Attack

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dparker Posted - 12/10/2022 : 07:57:56
The website has come under some sort of attack by some useless individual who has nothing better to do.

No need to worry as I have a full backup of everything. It seems they attacked one database which happens to be the Alabama football database. I had to go in and remove a few thing that you are accustomed to seeing on the site until I can get HostGator to find out how to stop the attack. Then I will restore a backup of the database and all will be fine.

The pages affected are All-state, All-stars and the Polls. I have made some changes that will temporary until all the issues are resolved. Some of the information will not appear on your screen for a while.

Please be patient and I think this can be fixed. I hope so anyway. Seems it is always something.

If you see any spam or some unusual ads popping up please let me know here or via email at


David Parker
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fat_Coach Posted - 12/14/2022 : 16:58:26
Thank you, David. I know it's a lot of work to keep this thing up and running.
WinstonCountyGrad Posted - 12/13/2022 : 13:19:13
Thank you David!


Proud native of the "Free State of Winston"
dparker Posted - 12/13/2022 : 07:51:04
I have everything back under control as far as the spam attack. I am sorry for what happened if you visited the site during the attack. It took me a day or so to come up with a plan and to get everything back to a stable environment.

But all is safe and secure once again. No data or information was lost to my knowledge. Later today I will fix the final piece and the all-state and all-state teams will show the missing information. The polls will also have that information reinstated.

Again I am sorry if you visited the website Friday or Saturday but all is well for now. I will put some measures in place to try and prevent it from happening in the future. Seems it is always something around here to work on.


David Parker
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