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 Another Mike gone in a weeks time.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
GiglnTiger Posted - 12/13/2022 : 10:32:28
We lost another Mike today. Mike Leach was definitely one of my favorite comedian coaches. It?s not high school football but he was one of the good guys that the college football world looked forward to hearing from. Like Saban said, he loved his conversations with Mike over the last several years though he never knew where they would lead.

Jeremy Wortham


Randolph County Tigers

2003 Class 2A State Champions

2017 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1998 Class 3A State Runner-Ups,
1984 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1979 Class 2A State Runner-Ups
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
vvala45 Posted - 12/15/2022 : 08:29:05
R.I.P Coach Leach.

he influenced so many great coaches and forever changed the sport. I hope he makes the hall of fame when time comes.

2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 AHSAA State Champion.
Thompson Warrior
GiglnTiger Posted - 12/13/2022 : 18:50:34
Originally posted by mcslate

Really felt like Leach had that lovable, rambling grandpa that always made holiday dinners fun. 90% of the time his unpredictable conversations were going to be ok but everyone is worried about where that 10% is going to go. Going to miss his interviews.

My favorite interview of Leach was when a reporter was getting married and he told her he would give her 10k to skip the wedding and elope. :) The marriage advise video below.

Jeremy Wortham


Randolph County Tigers

2003 Class 2A State Champions

2017 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1998 Class 3A State Runner-Ups,
1984 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1979 Class 2A State Runner-Ups
mcslate Posted - 12/13/2022 : 17:29:52
Really felt like Leach had that lovable, rambling grandpa that always made holiday dinners fun. 90% of the time his unpredictable conversations were going to be ok but everyone is worried about where that 10% is going to go. Going to miss his interviews. Forums © 2007-09 Go To Top Of Page
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