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 2023 Football changes

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dparker Posted - 06/01/2023 : 14:20:26
A lot of off season changes for many schools this year it seems will make some interesting football this fall.

Lee Montgomery will change the school name to Percy Julian and will become the Panthers.

I think Jeff Davis will become Jag High School. Short for Judge Frank M. Johnson. I guess they will still be the Volunteers?

Those two school pose a problem for me as I have to do a ton of work to get everything on their team pages to work correctly. I will be doing that in the coming weeks.

It is always a problem just figuring out the "official name" for the school. Will it be "Percy Julian High School" or just "Julian High School? Will JD become "Jag High School" or "Johnson High School", God forbid we have another Johnson high school. Or should JD be called Judge Johnson or Frank Johnson High? Who knows. If I ask ten people I will get a variety of answers. I only wish to make these changes once if possible. Any help is appreciated.

Lafayette and Valley will consolidate so Lafayette will not have a football team this year.

Crossville will not field a football team this season either. I do not know the reasoning behind this but it is confirmed by several opposing coaches looking for replacement games.

Did I miss anything else?

David Parker
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mcslate Posted - 07/08/2023 : 16:36:40
Regarding Crossville, this article was just posted yesterday.
spartan91 Posted - 07/01/2023 : 10:55:49
JAG is actually an acronym for 3 different names. Frank Johnson, Ralph Abernathy and Robert Graetz. So JAG is what they will use. Forums © 2007-09 Go To Top Of Page
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