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 History of High School Football in Alabama
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 Percy Julian High School

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dparker Posted - 06/26/2023 : 07:36:33
Well Lee Montgomery is gone from the history books. Not entirely as the history of the school will still exist but the name is gone forever I suppose.

The new name for the school will be Percy Julian. It took most of yesterday to make all the changes but I think I have everything switched over and working correctly now.

SO if you are interested in the sports history of Robert E. Lee high school in Montgomery you will need to look for Percy Julian High.

Next up will be to change Jeff Davis to JAG High School. But the last I read they have not made that official yet. It should be by the time school starts in August.

I am still not sure about Lafayette and the future of that school. It seems they are planning on opening the school this fall and fielding a football team but still some discussion on consolidating with Lanett.

Also a little confused on Crossville. I heard they were dropping football this fall but they still appear on some of their opponent's schedules. I will wait and see what happens there.

David Parker
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BamaJoe Posted - 06/29/2023 : 07:01:24
David, being up in the general area of Crossville I have heard from multiple sources that they plan on not having football this year and restarting next year.

Go Eagles!
spartan91 Posted - 06/28/2023 : 20:56:19
It appears that Lafayette will be open for at least 1 more year while the new Valley High School is being built. After its completion the 2 schools will be consolidated. Forums © 2007-09 Go To Top Of Page
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