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 Wadleys Wilkes gets first D1 offer

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
GiglnTiger Posted - 09/17/2023 : 20:54:08
Penn State is the first to offer 2026 ATH Jaquez Wilkes from Wadley. Wilkes is the nephew of Terrance Wilkes of Wadley who was commited to Auburn around 2007 before his passing. Keep an eye on this kid because Ive seen him personally. Hes? big, tall, fast, strong and has all the things d1 schools look for.


Jeremy Wortham

Randolph County Tigers

2003 Class 2A State Champions

2017 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1998 Class 3A State Runner-Ups,
1984 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1979 Class 2A State Runner-Ups
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
powerlineman Posted - 09/30/2023 : 01:53:34
Yep we played them that year as well. Went down there and was down 14-7 and driving when Zachery was at DB and picked off our pass, falls to his back and he?s catching it, then gets up and runs 40 yards then other way. He literally landed on his back making the catch. Refs let it stand and it totally changed the game and we lost 28-7 I think and we were loaded that year too
Rooks26 Posted - 09/27/2023 : 09:21:49
Originally posted by powerlineman

Terrence was one heck of a player. We were stuck with Wadley back then (still are) and Terrence was one of the smallest players on the field and played RB & LB and excelled at both. He was the best player they had and that?s saying something considering they also had Terrell Zachery who played at Auburn

That he was. I played against him and Zachery. They put us out in the 2nd round my senior year. Watching film going into that game, we thought folks couldn't tackle good, but got in the game and Wilkes had incredible leg drive. He was hard to bring down and fast. Hated to hear of his passing.
powerlineman Posted - 09/23/2023 : 02:16:18
Terrence was one heck of a player. We were stuck with Wadley back then (still are) and Terrence was one of the smallest players on the field and played RB & LB and excelled at both. He was the best player they had and that?s saying something considering they also had Terrell Zachery who played at Auburn
GiglnTiger Posted - 09/20/2023 : 03:22:25
As I understand the ATH category in general.


Jeremy Wortham

Randolph County Tigers

2003 Class 2A State Champions

2017 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1998 Class 3A State Runner-Ups,
1984 Class 3A State Runner-Ups, 1979 Class 2A State Runner-Ups
kodyaufan2 Posted - 09/19/2023 : 18:33:48
Good for him! I was hoping he would get offered this year. Is he being recruited more as a RB or a DE? Forums © 2007-09 Go To Top Of Page
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