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 Reactions 9/23/23

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TheMUBM Posted - 09/23/2023 : 11:12:35

7A Region 4 hasn't typically been that competitive in the postseason, which is understandable when matching up against R3, but it's sure fun to watch. I don't know what to expect week to week in the region. And did we ever think we'd see a season where Hoover could be a 4 seed and if things go a certain way, not even make the playoffs?


A lot of good teams in 6A, Clay-Chalkville, Muscle Shoals, Parker, Hartselle, etc. But as it is currently constituted, 6A is Saraland and everyone else. You can't convince me otherwise.


Central Clay County sent a message last night. I don't care if it was a classification below that they played, Handley is a great team and they absolutely dominated. What's going on at UMS?


Oneonta and Dora both struggled more than I expected last night. Cherokee County still stands tall in the north, but West Morgan is quietly sliding into that second spot in 4A North. Jackson is looking like an absolute machine in the South.


Couple of surprises here. Really surprised St. James struggled as they did and really surprised at the Sylvania/Geraldine score. I picked Sylvania to win but to put up 37 on that Geraldine defense is no easy task.


Comer probably separated themselves a little from the rest of the south. I thought Lamar County had a real shot at Tuscaloosa Academy, but as you know, I picked TA. Lamar County really showed out. They could be a tough out in the north. Aliceville falls again, and is one of the most talented 1-4 teams in the state. They are likely to be 1-6 after the next two weeks with Central Tuscaloosa and Lamar County lurking. And if Winston County could pull the slight upset, they could be sitting at home come playoff time.


The battle between Pickens County, South Lamar and Lynn is going to be fun to watch. Interested to see how Leroy responds with the news their head coach is getting deployed and won't get to finish the season.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
kodyaufan2 Posted - 09/25/2023 : 12:08:47
I'm with you on Region 4. I've pretty much given up on trying to figure out who will finish in what order in that region. Listening to the podcast, I think I'm still a little higher on Sparkman than David, but I do think they'll drop a region game or two, I just have no idea who it'll be.

I'd like to think either MGM or Baker could give the 4 seed from Region 2 game, but I think we'll find out how they stack up this week with Baker-Dothan.

Pretty much what you said. It's Saraland's world and everyone else is just living in it. On that note, I want to see a Saraland-Thompson matchup on ESPN to open 2024.

Pell City is looking like they've got a shot at making the playoffs now. They just have to beat Pinson Valley.

UMS-Wright is in trouble. Never thought I'd write that, but the only remaining region game I feel confident they'll win is Elberta.

You're absolutely right about Central Clay. It doesn't matter what class you are, if you dominate Handley, you've done something special.

I think Scottsboro is the only team in the North capable of scoring with Ramsay. They may not be the second best team, but they're one of the scariest.

The South is just so loaded. On top of the Andalusia, Catholic, and Handley, now you've got to throw Jackson into the mix. I'm not even sure that Cherokee County would have anything for any of those teams in the state title game.

I've also given up trying to predict anything with Region 5.

I'm not sure that even Mars Hill wants a piece of Sylvania. I believe I picked Sylvania to reach the state title game in the preseason, and they're still way better than I expected.

Region 5 is going to go 4-0 in their 1st round games regardless of which teams come out of Region 8 against them.

I think the South is Elba and everyone else. But the North looks like you could throw Pickens Co, Lynn, South Lamar, Wadley, and Coosa Christian all in a hat and draw a name out when it comes to figuring out who will come out of the North.
dparker Posted - 09/23/2023 : 12:15:37
Spot on. Can't argue with any of this.

David Parker
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