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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TheMUBM Posted - 09/29/2023 : 23:41:57
Just got back from Hartselle where I saw one of the most amazing high school football games I have seen in years. Hard hitting first half with neither team doing much, late in the first half Oxford punches one in and goes up 7-0 at half.

Oxford dominated the 3rd quarter and takes a 21-7 lead into the 4th. Hartselle's only td came after a drive was kept alive by a roughing the passer that had it not occurred would have been an interception and likely killed any momentum Hartselle may have had.

4th quarter was both defenses playing great, then Oxford did something that shocked me. I didn't have the best vantage point, but it appeared they tried a fake punt at their own 17. This was probably with about 10 minutes left. It was not successful. However, their stingy defense stopped Hartselle from scoring. I thought for sure it was over.
Hartselle then stops Oxford. Then after the punt, Hartselle who hadn't been able to move the ball through the air all night throws a long TD pass and it's 21-14. Hartselle then stops Oxford again, and puts together a drive and with less than 4 minutes left and punches it in. On the extra point, Oxford was ruled offsides, so Hartselle's coach decided to take his balls out for everyone to see and go for 2. Hartselle converted, held two more Oxford drives and won 22-21.

Big time 6A football with two really good programs. It was a lot of fun. I picked Oxford but was pulling for Hartselle, so it was a win either way for me. What a game. Forums © 2007-09 Go To Top Of Page
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