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 History of High School Football in Alabama
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 Educate bme on competitive balance

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bs091880 Posted - 09/07/2024 : 10:55:20
I understand the teams who move up and down based off enrollment.
Explain to me when teams move up and down because of competitive balance and other teams who don't that are just as good or better with better success.
Explain to me the competitive side of it.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TheMUBM Posted - 09/07/2024 : 15:43:57

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bs091880 Posted - 09/07/2024 : 15:10:48
Originally posted by TheMUBM

It?s only for private schools. There is a point system. They accumulate points over a two year period based on their performance. Should they get a certain amount over that period (more than 4 in football - varies by sport) they move up one class. If they get less than 1 they are relegated one class.

Twitter (Or X, whatever) @TheMUBM

So the point system is only for private schools?
TheMUBM Posted - 09/07/2024 : 12:34:48
It?s only for private schools. There is a point system. They accumulate points over a two year period based on their performance. Should they get a certain amount over that period (more than 4 in football - varies by sport) they move up one class. If they get less than 1 they are relegated one class.

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