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 Fairhope vs. Robertsdale

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bandkid15 Posted - 09/16/2024 : 20:11:28
Fairhope (-16) vs. Robertsdale is bound to be competitive and has some upset potential I think, but what will happen?

Last week:
Fairhope beat Davidson 42-25. Not a bad win but nothing special. Fairhope moves to 3-1

Robertsdale loses to Mary G. Montgomery 3-41. Nothing out of the ordinary. Robertsdale moves to 2-2

How each team could win:
-Pass. Outside of Spencer D'Angelo, the secondary for Robertsdale seems to be a weak point for their defense. If they can't get the passing game going, they are going to have a hard time winning this game.
-Get good field position. If Robertsdale gets pressured, they could bobble a few punts. Fairhope will need to bring a serious special team unit to help give Fairhope the advantage in positioning.
-Throw in tricky plays on offense. I'm not sure how much Fairhope practices for complicated play calls or how much they dealt with it in their previous games, but without Quin Shields (I believe) they don't have a "give it to" guy as I like to call them. Keeping Fairhopes defense on their toes will give them the best chance to take control of the game
-Don't give up. Robertsdale has lost two straight, but they can't let that faze them. Fairhope won't go down easily, but Robertsdale needs to focus and take advantage of mistakes. If they can stay in the game, that gives them a chance

Prediction: Fairhope wins a tight one 17-14 and puts themselves in prime position for a playoff spot. Robertsdale could still finish at .500 and with this game, they proved they can hang with a potential playoff team.

Honorable mention to both bands in this game. Both have worked hard and I cannot wait to see the Fairhope band. I anticipate a few flags in this game from the bands alone.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sloth Nationzz Posted - 09/17/2024 : 20:26:22
Good insight. Happy to have you on the forums

Twitter handle(Or X whatever): Tp_hammock
Bandkid15 Posted - 09/17/2024 : 11:58:51
Originally posted by TheMUBM

Nice insight. Love reading stuff like this because I don't know jack about a lot of the teams down south.

Twitter (Or X, whatever) @TheMUBM

I don't know a lot about the more northern areas so I like your barber shop guru picks and getting to look at those teams.
TheMUBM Posted - 09/17/2024 : 08:29:26
Nice insight. Love reading stuff like this because I don't know jack about a lot of the teams down south.

Twitter (Or X, whatever) @TheMUBM
dparker Posted - 09/16/2024 : 20:44:23
Good analysis. Thanks for sharing with all us fans. A good old Baldwin County rivalry.

David Parker
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