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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bandkid15 Posted - 09/20/2024 : 21:59:28
I was the guy that that predicted 17-14 Fairhope over Robertsdale.

Man that was one of the most frustrating games I have seen in a bit.

The refs weren?t the best, but in the end it probably didn?t matter. Our passing game was solid for the most part, in the second half, when the game was out of hand. We rarely passed the ball in the first half, and there definitely should?ve been more. Couldn?t establish a run game without Quinn Shields so it was frustrating when they ran the ball with no variety and with little success (even resulted in a few fumbles from bad handoffs alone). Our poor defense. This is the worst they have looked, even if they gave up more to Mary G. Montgomery. There wasn?t much passing from Fairhope, Robertsdale shut that down quick, but there was no stopping Jahaven Johnson. He absolutely crushed it and just ran through our defense like it was nothing. This resulted in a 38-14 victory for Fairhope. Good luck to them against Theodore. Robertsdale absolutely needs to pick it up against Orange Beach. Hope Quinn comes back; he seriously is good.

Our band was great at least.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bandkid15 Posted - 09/20/2024 : 23:11:31
Originally posted by Sloth Nationzz

I see you are a Robertsdale fan, you have my condolences. I was hoping they'd win tonight

Twitter handle(Or X whatever): Tp_hammock

As much as a nightmare it can be to be a Robertsdale fan, there was a couple of positives:
-our passing was solid, I hope Chris Bell let?s our QB pass it more often against Orange Beach if Quinn Shields doesn?t come back in that game
-our secondary did alright, still need to work on open field tackling some, but otherwise not bad
-The band should cause trouble against Orange Beach. They haven?t played against a band like Robertsdale.

I just gotta stay positive and (hopefully like the football team) look forward for the next game. Thanks for showing sympathy even though you didn?t need to and of course I appreciate it a ton. As much as I ramble, I?m glad the people on this forum seem to enjoy it, as expected probably, I mean you guys love talking high school football probably tenfold I do.
Sloth Nationzz Posted - 09/20/2024 : 22:25:55
I see you are a Robertsdale fan, you have my condolences. I was hoping they'd win tonight

Twitter handle(Or X whatever): Tp_hammock Forums © 2007-09 Go To Top Of Page
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