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 Dora-fultondale game question.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dawgfan09 Posted - 09/20/2024 : 22:51:58
Dora recovered a onside kick only for fultondale to be called for a false start and fultondale got to retry the onside kick. How can the defense not decline a false start on a kickoff? Fultondale recovered the second onside kick and thankfully for dora they dropped a wide open hail mary that shouldve won them the game.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BamaJoe Posted - 09/21/2024 : 06:56:49
False start is a pre snap/pre play penalty so it is a dead ball play. The officials see it as the play never happened. It should have been blown dead immediately.

The rule that drives me nuts in HS ball is "offsides" In every other level of football this is not a dead ball penalty but in HS it is.

Go Eagles!
dawgfan09 Posted - 09/20/2024 : 23:24:25
Probably be should changed for onside kicks

Bandkid15 Posted - 09/20/2024 : 23:18:17
My best guess is that since you can?t do that in general you can?t do it during a kickoff, although I have no clue what the rules are exactly for that scenario.
TheMUBM Posted - 09/20/2024 : 23:18:17
I think because a false start is a dead ball penalty

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