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 Beat the Barber Shop Gurus

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dparker Posted - 10/30/2024 : 06:41:59
Here is the eleventh round of "Beat the Barber Shop Gurus". Last week the BSG did not fare so well with several guest pickers taking them down. They will do much better this week.

Their record for the entire season is 84-35.

Who wishes to try their luck this week? We have some great week eleven matchups here this week.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Here are the games for this week:

Phil Campbell vs. Red Bay
Cedar Bluff vs. Donoho
Southside Gadsden vs. Pell City
James Clemens vs. Homewood
Thomasville vs. Clarke County
W.S. Neal vs. T.R. Miller
J.B. Pennington vs. Weaver
Spanish Fort vs. St. Paul's
Southside Selma vs. Bullock County
Beulah vs. Autauga Academy
Reeltown vs. Lee-Scott Academy
Calhoun vs. Central Hayneville

Good luck to everyone.

David Parker
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BrianYoung Posted - 10/31/2024 : 18:55:53
Phil Campbell vs. Red Bay
Cedar Bluff vs. Donoho
Southside Gadsden vs. Pell City
James Clemens vs. Homewood
Thomasville vs. Clarke County
W.S. Neal vs. T.R. Miller
J.B. Pennington vs. Weaver
Spanish Fort vs. St. Paul's
Southside Selma vs. Bullock County
Beulah vs. Autauga Academy
Reeltown vs. Lee-Scott Academy
Calhoun vs. Central Hayneville
Bandkid15 Posted - 10/31/2024 : 14:05:26
I did crazy good last week going 10-2 if I recall correctly. Hope I finish strong!

Phil Campbell vs. Red Bay
Cedar Bluff vs. Donoho
Southside Gadsden vs. Pell City
James Clemens vs. Homewood
Thomasville vs. Clarke County
W.S. Neal vs. T.R. Miller
J.B. Pennington vs. Weaver
Spanish Fort vs. St. Paul's
Southside Selma vs. Bullock County
Beulah vs. Autauga Academy
Reeltown vs. Lee-Scott Academy
Calhoun vs. Central Hayneville
UNA2004 Posted - 10/31/2024 : 09:56:49
Phil Campbell
Cedar Bluff
Southside Gadsden
T.R. Miller
J.B. Pennington
St. Paul's
Southside Selma
Autauga Academy

Go Lions
bs091880 Posted - 10/30/2024 : 18:47:44
Winners in bold

Phil Campbell vs. Red Bay
Cedar Bluff vs. Donoho
Southside Gadsden vs. Pell City
James Clemens vs. Homewood
Thomasville vs. Clarke County
W.S. Neal vs. T.R. Miller
J.B. Pennington vs. Weaver
Spanish Fort vs. St. Paul's
Southside Selma vs. Bullock County
Beulah vs. Autauga Academy
Reeltown vs. Lee-Scott Academy
Calhoun vs. Central Hayneville

NorthALBall Posted - 10/30/2024 : 13:46:47
Phil Campbell vs. Red Bay
Cedar Bluff vs. Donoho
Southside Gadsden vs. Pell City
James Clemens vs. Homewood
Thomasville vs. Clarke County
W.S. Neal vs. T.R. Miller
J.B. Pennington vs. Weaver
Spanish Fort vs. St. Paul's
Southside Selma vs. Bullock County
Beulah vs. Autauga Academy
Reeltown vs. Lee-Scott Academy
Calhoun vs. Central Hayneville

Chsreddevil Posted - 10/30/2024 : 10:04:57
Originally posted by dparker

Here is the eleventh round of "Beat the Barber Shop Gurus". Last week the BSG did not fare so well with several guest pickers taking them down. They will do much better this week.

Their record for the entire season is 84-35.

Who wishes to try their luck this week? We have some great week eleven matchups here this week.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Here are the games for this week:

Phil Campbell vs. Red Bay
Cedar Bluff vs. Donoho
Southside Gadsden vs. Pell City
James Clemens vs. Homewood
Thomasville vs. Clarke County
W.S. Neal vs. T.R. Miller
J.B. Pennington vs. Weaver
Spanish Fort vs. St. Paul's
Southside Selma vs. Bullock County
Beulah vs. Autauga Academy
Reeltown vs. Lee-Scott Academy
Calhoun vs. Central Hayneville

Good luck to everyone.

David Parker

PCchase12 Posted - 10/30/2024 : 09:14:52
Phil Campbell
Cedar Bluff
Pell City
T.R. Miller
J.B. Pennington
St. Paul's
Southside Selma

Pell City C/O 2016
Go Panthers
WCGuru1 Posted - 10/30/2024 : 08:35:01
Phil Campbell
Cedar Bluff
Pell City
T.R. Miller
J.B. Pennington
St. Paul's
Southside Selma
Autauga Academy
Central Hayneville
WinstonCountyGrad Posted - 10/30/2024 : 07:35:16
Phil Campbell vs. Red Bay
Cedar Bluff vs. Donoho
Southside Gadsden vs. Pell City
James Clemens vs. Homewood
Thomasville vs. Clarke County
W.S. Neal vs. T.R. Miller
J.B. Pennington vs. Weaver
Spanish Fort vs. St. Paul's
Southside Selma vs. Bullock County
Beulah vs. Autauga Academy
Reeltown vs. Lee-Scott Academy
Calhoun vs. Central Hayneville


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