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 To Clear up R6-3A

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TheMUBM Posted - 10/30/2024 : 16:50:58
Locust Fork is locked in at the 2 seed. The only teams that can tie them are Wellborn and Pennington and Locust Fork beat both.

Piedmont is locked at #1 much in the same manner. Even if Locust Fork won and Glencoe shocked the world and beat Piedmont, Piedmont would hold the head to head over Locust Fork.

1.) Piedmont
2.) Locust Fork

Rest is TBD

Twitter (Or X, whatever) @TheMUBM
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
NorthALBall Posted - 10/31/2024 : 12:43:11
The only two games of consequence are the Walter Wellborn vs. Westbrook Christian & J.B. Pennington vs. Weaver.

There are four possible outcomes from tonight's game:

A. Pennington & Wellborn both win:
3. Wellborn (5-3)
4. Pennington (5-3)
via Wellborn def. Pennington

B. Pennington W & Westbrook W
3. Pennington (5-3)
4. Westbrook Christian (4-4)
via Westbrook def both Ohatchee and Wellborn.

C. Weaver W & Wellborn W
3. Wellborn (5-3)
4. Weaver (4-4)
via Weaver's win over #2 Locust Fork

D. Weaver W & Westbrook W
Four-way tie for 3-6.
3. Weaver (4-4) via their win over #2 Locust Fork
4. Ohatchee (4-4)
Ohatchee and Wellborn both defeated #3 Weaver, so then we solve this tie head to head. Ohatchee defeated Wellborn.

If you are Weaver, Pennington or Wellborn it is a win and you're in scenario. Westbrook and Ohatchee need help, as only one scenario for each leads to the postseason. Forums © 2007-09 Go To Top Of Page
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