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 Last regular season week before playoffs

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bs091880 Posted - 11/01/2024 : 16:45:46
How much do all of you think these teams try on the last week of the season?
Knowing the playoffs are next week,how much effort is put into weeks like this?
Do we see teams best efforts on a week like this week?
My post only applies to playoff teams.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TheMUBM Posted - 11/01/2024 : 18:27:46
Originally posted by mcslate

I think you also have to take into account the seniors on teams who didn't qualify for the playoffs. It will likely be the last organized game of football they'll ever play in their lives. You know they're going to let it all hang out.

For the teams not making the playoffs, 9 out of 10 are going balls to the wall tonight. This is their finale.

Twitter (Or X, whatever) @TheMUBM
mcslate Posted - 11/01/2024 : 18:04:53
I think you also have to take into account the seniors on teams who didn't qualify for the playoffs. It will likely be the last organized game of football they'll ever play in their lives. You know they're going to let it all hang out.
bs091880 Posted - 11/01/2024 : 16:59:03
Originally posted by TheMUBM

Some teams still aren't settled so yeah. Others may be in a rivalry game, some may be looking for an undefeated season or setting a school regular season record for wins, so I think most do. I think a lot of teams do take a bit more cautious of an approach, but it's dependent upon the circumstances, it's not uniform.

Twitter (Or X, whatever) @TheMUBM

You broke it down very well.Makes a lot of sense.
TheMUBM Posted - 11/01/2024 : 16:49:14
Some teams still aren't settled so yeah. Others may be in a rivalry game, some may be looking for an undefeated season or setting a school regular season record for wins, so I think most do. I think a lot of teams do take a bit more cautious of an approach, but it's dependent upon the circumstances, it's not uniform.

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